Set up a Web of Life ongoing subscription

A monthly membership fee (with a wide sliding scale to maximise accessibility) is requested to support the project to grow and to thrive as well as to ensure that those holding this space can devote to this community the attention and love it deserves while earning a living wage. It’s based on a community interest philosophy – should this project go beyond meeting its costs and supporting a living wage for the hours put in, the next step for the project would be to ‘pay this forward’ in investing in more ways for this work to reach people who would benefit from it.
Monthly membership options range from £15 – 85 per month. If you feel you would benefit from this community, there’s the option of other ways of exchange should this sliding scale still not be affordable. If you would need a different membership fee from the options below, please get in touch. Part of the vision is that everyone who needs this community is able to have access.
As a rough guide, the following is suggested, inviting you to a conscious choice about where you currently fit on a self-selection basis (you will be able to revisit this should it no longer feel right or be feasible). By choosing generously you are directly supporting this project to grow. (If you’re not sure where you fit in, £45 per month is a suggested average amount, which is likely to be a sustainable amount for the project should the majority of people choose this rate.)
Higher income consider choosing the violet or indigo pledges if you are on an above average income or have above average access to wealth
Standard income rate consider choosing the blue, green or yellow pledges if you are on an average income or have average access to wealth.
Lower income rate consider choosing the orange or red pledges if you are on a low income or no income or have lower than average access to wealth.
Community access Should the red pledge be unaffordable please get in touch to discuss other options.
Payments are securely processed using Stripe. You can pay with a debit or credit card using any currency though the amount will be converted to GB pounds. Get in touch if you have any problems using this payment form.