A monthly membership fee is requested to ensure that I can give this community the attention and love it deserves while earning a living wage. I’m visioning this with a community interest philosophy at its heart – should this project grow to an extent that it exceeds a living wage for the hours I put into it, I will be seeking to ‘pay this forward’ in investing in more ways for this work to reach people who would benefit from it.
To reflect the vast differences in means in our societies today, a wide sliding scale to enable people with different means to participate, is offered.
Monthly membership options range from £15 – 75 per month for the initial pilot programme. If you feel you need this community, I am open to exploring other options and other ways of exchange should this sliding scale still not be affordable. If you want to join at a different membership fee from the options below, please let me know. I’m aiming to ensure that everyone who needs this community is able to connect.
The opportunity to choose among several price options is an experiment. Part of the vision for this project is to explore new models for connecting and supporting each other. Finding ways to maximise access to this project feels crucial in building a community that I hope to be diverse, committed to economic justice, and ready to explore new models for living in many different areas of life.
By paying the highest rate you can afford you are supporting me to hold and go further with this work and to continue to prioritise it, as well as to permit it to grow. Here’s one model of how a sliding scale works, but the suggestion is to include your heart-felt intuition and not to stress too much about it if you’re not sure where you fit. There will be the option to re-visit your decision should it no longer feel right or feasible.

As a rough guide, the following is suggested, inviting you to a conscious choice about where you currently fit on a self-selection basis (you will be able to revisit this should it no longer feel right or be feasible).
- Higher income consider choosing the violet or indigo pledges if you are on an above average income or have above average access to wealth
- Standard income rate consider choosing the blue, green or yellow pledges if you are on an average income or have average access to wealth.
- Lower income rate consider choosing the orange or red pledges if you are on a low income or have lower than average access to wealth.
- Community access Should the red pledge be unaffordable please contact me to discuss other options. I would like to ensure that whoever is keen to engage with this project can have access.
Payments are processed on a recurring monthly basis by Stripe Payment Processor. You can cancel or amend your ongoing payments at any point. Refunds of payments already made will be offered in case of a technical error but won’t normally be offered in other cases. Payments are processed in British pounds (GBP) but Stripe supports other currencies which will be converted to pounds. Should you encounter any problems paying by card, please contact me.